Motorcycle maintined and prepared by Bikeworks Penzance.
Clothing and accesories by J&S Supplies Plymouth (I wouldn't buy from anywhere else)

Relive, a fantastic tracking app which plots your route and flies over it with googleearth.
The Plan: 16 Merlin Cinemas, Lands End to John O Groats (and Back), 13 of our 15 National Parks, the four points of the compass on Mainland Britain and 3,200 miles. All on two wheels and raising money for Cornwall Blood Bikes.
I slept like an absolute log. Solid through the night and on the comfiest of sofas. The hospitality of friends cannot be beaten. After breakfast on a gloriously sunny Wiltshire day, I packed said farewell and headed off into the 13 of 15 National Parks on my hitlist for this trip, The New Forest.
and onward to Exeter and the A30. The countryside became more and more familiar and there went the "Nearly Home Trees". Down to St Austell to take a different route home than I made out of the county through Grey cloud and overcast conditions into once more sushine and blue sky approaching Helston. Down the Lizard, to the Lizard Village and parked up. By the time I got to the actual point it was a stunning day and I got the requisite photo at the plaque.
Back to Helston, Marazion and then off to St Ives, as I love the coastal drive from St Ives, via Zennor to St Just.
I had estimated arriving at Lands End at 1615 and made it there just before. I met up with John and Mark from the Blood Bikes and once again we were allowed to make use of the signpost and the official photographer took the shots.
Once again the weather played ball for the shots, we chatted and passed some time and then headed off, myself in tandem with Mark on his Marvellous machine.
It's over, done and completed. My hands ache from holding the grips and my forearms are mottled from the Midge Army. I can still hear the sound of the engine and the young lady's voice saying "At the roundabout take the third exit for goodness knows where...".
There is one blog left to go, just as in the movies, we need the credits. And maybe there will even be apost credits scene.....
Slept like a log at the Deepdale Bunk house and managed to leave dead on time at 8am. This really was a straight run, through Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, the M25 (not that bad) and into Sussex to catch up with some friends who happened to also be out of Cornwall, for lunch.
I crossed from Petworth to Petersfield across the South Downs and into Wiltshire/Hampshire. The GPS took me through some lovely little villages and towns and I actually ended up at Figsbury Ring, an iron age hill fort near to my friends house where I was staying for the night.
Not a lot else to say aboput today, It was very very warm and sunny, Ripley was handling beautifully and I reckon the best of the countryside I saw today was Wiltshire/Hampshire.
Tomorrow is the final day, out at 8am, through the New Forest, Dorset to Exeter and then the A30 North of Dartmoor, a run down to Lizard Point and back to Lands End, where it all began, 14 days ago.
Here's a Donkey I met.
I had camped on a bit of a steep slope but it didn't stop me sleeping well and after getting up and striking camp, I heard a hideous rasping cry of some kind of animal, probably a pterydactyl and on looking up I could see a heron chasing off some kind of bird of prey.
I set the route planner and headed off, through Sheffield (quiet Sunday Morning) and down the A1M. It was long and boring... well it would have been if I hadn't spotted about 8 Rolls Royces of differing ages, a Bentley, ford cortina and a few classic cars thrown in for good measure. I pulled over just after checking off the 3000 mile mark at around Bury St Edmonds and on setting the map running again, noticed that Lowestoft looked awfully "South". I then realised that having planned on Lowestoft, mapped the route to Lowestoft and aimed for Lowestoft, I had actually typed "Felixstowe" into the planner. Turns out it added about 25 miles onto the route which wasn't so bad.
I headed slightly northwards (now) and made it to Lowestoft, expecting a seafront and pronm, maybe a pier near the Easterly marker. What I got was an industrial estate (deserted on a sunday) and a whole lot of roads barred. I did find the Most easterly point marker and had a lovely chat with an old boy who comes out here 6 or 7 times a year as his Dad always used to bring him ....On Up the coast and then through the Norfolk Broads (Gonna have to come back) to Cromer and the Regal Multiplex was a doddle to find and a warm welcome and chat with Michael the manager. The requisite Maverick Ticket and photograph out the front
and then on to my bunk house near Hunstanton. Past lowlands, cornfields and the broads themselves.
Not many photos today as it was mainly motorway driving, may be a similar situation tomorrow.....
The Helmsdale Hostel is perfect, everything I could have wanted and I want to come back to Scotland now just to stay there again.
I was about 30 mins behind time, but there is so much flexibility built into my plan, it's never a stress. It was a long old run down the A9, but with some lovely coastal views. Through Inverness and along Loch Ness. Which frankly was a disapointment. I'm sure it's just as stunning and remarkable as the other Lochs I have seen, but the road alongside is lined with trees and there is not much to see. I reckon it HAS to be seen from a cruise......
Next was Loch Lochy for a (late) breakfast stop and this one had a huge impact on me. It felt as though it needed exploring more and for as short a time as I was here, it's definitely one of my favourites.
Onward and up to the Cairngorms another incredible area, but with a very different feel to the Highlands and North East. Again, somewhere to focus on next time.
Then it really was the long haul down through South Scotland, across the Queensferry Bridge, skirted Ediunburgh and onward, and onward, and onward. At one point, coming towards me off a roundabout was a family car with smoke billowing out of the back. I flagged him down, spun round and now he had parked on the verge, it was clear..... we checked it over and there was nothing obvious , so I got him to start the engine to rev it rather than drive b ut even that wasn't necessary, as soo as it fired up, it pumped white and blue smoke out of the exhaust. He phoned the AA and I left him to it.
I was in the groove and running ahead of time so I pushed on to Kielder Forest Park in Northumberland and found my bedding down spot for the night.
Halfway through setting up camp (about 4 minutes in) I realised that the midges were rallying and there were literally clouds of them. I coimpleted setting up dived in and hid. It was about 7pm and I set up the netbook downlaoding the cam footage of the day and fell asleep. I hadn't realised I was so tired. I woke at about 2130, packed the chrome book away and fell straight back to sleep.
It rained in the night. I stayed dry. Good Enough.
A Tour like that, doesn't just happen and is not just reliant on the planning in advance along the way, there are dozens of people and o...